It has been some time, I have not written on my blog. The recent post was a post published for the sake of identifying the best size of the ‘featured image’ of my future blog posts. Since it was just a ‘test post’, I purposely asked a question on ChatGPT. The prompt was “Write a…
A Story About Dr Noorminshah…
In the vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, there lived a remarkable woman named Dr. Noorminshah. From a young age, she had always been captivated by the world of medicine and aspired to become a doctor to make a difference in people’s lives. Growing up in a modest neighborhood, Noorminshah faced her fair share of challenges. Her family struggled to make ends meet, but they never compromised on providing her with a good education. Her parents instilled in her the values of hard work, perseverance, and the importance of giving back to the community.
Etika berkomunikasi Aplikasi Whatsapp
Hari ini saya mendapat mesej daripada seorang pelajar. Dia mengahantar dua fail tanpa memberi kata salam dan tidak juga menerangkan apa-apa tentang kedua-dua fail tersebut. Saya faham apa yang dihantar kerana dia telah menghubungi saya pada hari Khamis lepas. Timbul persoalan dalam fikiran saya. “Kenapa ya ada pelajar PhD sebegini?” Mungkin perbezaan budaya? Pelajar tersebut…
Welcoming Speech at ICACIN 2022
Awal-awal pagi 9 Oktober saya dapat satu mesej di Whatsapp dari Dr Faisal Saeed yang merupakan seorang pensyarah di School of Computing and Digital Technology, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. “Salam Dr Min. I hope you are fine and doing well” “ICACIN 2022 will be helad on 15-16 October” “Will you be available on…
UTM Long Service Award Ceremony
11 October 2023. Majlis Sanjungan Budi (Long Service Award Ceremony) I can still remember the day I went for the interview as a Tutor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems in 2000. I can still remember the purple colored ‘baju kurung’ that I wore, and two of the questions asked. “What are…
Brief Tips on Thesis Writing
This is originally posted in the Doctorate Support Group, Facebook Group on the 5th May 2015. Quick sharing based on Today’s PhD viva session. I was the assistant to Chairperson who transcribed the comments :). The examiners decided before the viva that the student deserves B1 (Minor Corrections). Interesting thing is,1) Total number of chapters: 5…
Pengorbanan yang bukan sedikit
Pagi ini saya menjalankan tugas sebagai Pengerusi proposal defense salah seorang pelajar PhD bidang Sistem Maklumat. Sesi penilaian masih dijalankan dalam talian pada masa ini walaupun pelajar berada di Johor Bahru. Sebelum sesi berlangsung, saya dapati nama pelajar agak familiar. Namun, saya hanya sedari dan ingat siapa pelajar tersebut sebaik sahaja sebelum sesi penilaian bermula….
ICRIIS 2021 Committee Meeting
The 7th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS 202) is just around the corner. The Committee had a meeting this morning 5th September 2021, 11.00 am for progress updates. ICRIIS 2021 proceedings will be published in IEEEXplore and will be sent for indexing by Scopus. Notification of paper acceptance will be…
MyAIS Bids for PACIS2024
This morning I have the opportunity to join the Malaysia Chapter of the Association for Information Systems represented by Prof. Dr Rose Alinda Alias to bid for organizing the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2024. PACIS is the prestigous IS Conference in Region 3 of AIS. It is an honor to have…